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Do you have a story to tell?

Your own life story, perhaps, or that of your grandmother or another relative? Perhaps tracing your family tree has led you to discover some fascinating and inspiring lives, and you long to share them with family, friends and the wider public too?

Or is your head full of knowledge, ideas and expertise that you can't wait to make available to others? A lifetime of accumulated wisdom, or the kind of insight that comes from surviving hard times and wanting to help and inspire others in the same straits?

Or perhaps you have this wonderful idea for a novel but it's the actual writing of it that's the problem. You've tried and it didn't quite come off. Or you simply don't have the time, energy or writing expertise to see it through?

If any of these things are even a little bit true of you, you may have thought of employing a ghostwriter. Someone to listen, take notes, record your thoughts - to get to know you properly and understand exactly how you'd like your book to be. And then, to make it happen...

Finding an agent or publisher is never easy, however good the book may be. But these days, self-publishing has become completely respectable and, if it's professionally done, readers can't tell the difference (as if it mattered, anyway). So, while I can offer no guarantee of acceptance by a publisher, there's nothing to stop you self-publishing the book I help you write, as an e-book and perhaps as a paperback as well. (I don't offer a publishing service myself. Although I've self-published some of my own work, I'm far from being an expert at this, so I wouldn't want to charge anyone for doing it. But there are plenty of people out there who can help you publish at a reasonable price - or you could do it yourself.)

You're probably wondering how much my ghostwriting and/or other services would cost. The good news is, I offer a flexible service and my charges depend on how much of the work you'll be willing to do for yourself. If you already have a manuscript, I could act as editor. If I find it's already in good shape, you may only need a copy edit or a proof-read. Or it may need more work - a deeper edit, perhaps, or a rewrite. Or we could start from scratch. We can discuss these things by email, phone or even by meeting up, if you are not too far away.  I'm happy to help you decide exactly what you need and what I can offer you, with no obligation at this stage on your part.

My credentials. I'm a published author with several books in print, for adults and children. I've been published by traditional publishers and have published other books myself. I have ghostwritten several books and written detailed appraisals of others. I've authored many scientific papers, back in the day was I was a university lecturer and researcher. I'm a qualified proofreader and an experienced editor. I'm happy to edit scientific and technical work of all kinds, as well as novels for all ages and non-fiction of any type.

My services are very reasonably priced. I charge on an hourly basis for higher-level editing, appraisals, rewriting and ghostwriting. Be assured, my experience means I work efficiently and don't waste time. For copy editing and proofreading, I base my charges on word count, but I will always ask to see a sample before I give a quote (this may work in your favour, if your work is well-written).

Back to the ghostwriting (or rewriting). I'm more than happy for the book to be yours. My name needn't appear on it, or in it, at all, unless you want to thank me in the acknowledgments (you don't have to). Once you've paid me it's your book, as if you'd written every word yourself.

Interested? I'd love to be able to help you write that amazing book! Use the 'Contact' menu button at the top of this page to get in touch.


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